One of the most Portuguese names out there being very hard to spell from people that aren't portuguese themselves, José's usually are either shy people with great sense of humour and some way inteligente or a complete douche who prefers being a world wide known criminal over being a business guy and running over a couple of strip clubs, usually the first one, though.

José is a great name in portuguese culture being that it was during the reign of D. José I that one of the earthquakes that marked Portugal the most. (1755's Lisbon Earthquake followed by a tsunami that wiped out most of the cost line of Lisbon).
Over all José it's a pretty good fucking name that I'm proud to have.
Some guy: Hey José!
José: Sup man!
Some guy: Im good man.
(conversation suddenly starts)
by Shraken January 8, 2017
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A female friend or someone you have intrest in.
My friend asked me " if still talk to the same José or am I seeing someone new?"
by Lul gabe finesse October 6, 2020
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A José is the sweetest most caring person you will evah meet, and someone who laughs at the simplest things. Their skin is 80% boyfriend material and 20% cuddles with a dash of fluffiness and cuteness.
He is also a pussah master and attracts all cats.
Sad cat owner: Why does my kitty love José more than me :c
Experienced sad cat owner: He’s a José ie pussah master
by Vaiking February 24, 2019
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Originally a Portuguese name, you can see that by the accent, not found in its (fake-ass) Spanish version. The "J" is pronounced normally (not as an "r" therefore) and without the "d" sound on it. The "s" is said as a "z" and the "e" as in "Hey" but obviously without the "H" and the "y".

Also, the most typical Portuguese name (but not the most abundant btw), having "Zé" as an abbreviation.

Usually taken as a funny thing to call to people when we are feeling joyful and relaxed. You know, when you are just kidding.

Its origin is based on the Israeli name "Yousef" wich means "May God Multiply". Its English version is what is known by you as "Joseph".
No one knows how to pronounce "José" but as in the Spanish version "Rawzây", that ugly thing.
by Jo'ves April 6, 2017
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a José is a type of adult that desires or engages in sexual relations with a child; it may be either homosexual or heterosexual in nature.
Don't be a josé, she is not old enough and it is illegal.
by PedoHater123 March 8, 2019
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José is the God form of any Mexican giving the power of enchilada and guacamole. Basically Mexican Shazam.
Ex : JaMarcusJosé!”

JaMarcus now our God
by Josê April 29, 2021
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He is the hottest guy in the world, he also have a big penis and he is the dream of all girls, he makes you smile with his "jokes" cause he is the funniest guy in the world and he is very smart at filosofia.
He plays football de caralho
Uau é o Zé, que gajo bonito fodaaa se quem me dera tocar
Oh migaaa olha o José Miguel Gomes Borges aquele que fodeu a nossa puta
by O gato feroz que fode a puta September 29, 2019
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