A very loud and fun girl! She would do anything for her friends and when she has problems at home, she shows it off! Everybody loves her except for her haters, but she loves them too. She is very straight and forward. Cute and short. And has the face of an angel. She loves her sister and has one best friend she will never lose
Everyone wants a Jada!
by Robby the plumber March 16, 2017
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The SWEETEST, CUTEST, and FUNNIEST girl you could ever meet. She is nice to many but when she has a problem with you, you will know. She's SPOILED ROTTEN and wants everything her way or there will be some issues. But in the end she is lovable, gives the best advice, and will always be a good friend!!
"Omg, its Jada! Heyy!!!"
by A one in a million Jada! November 22, 2012
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a fun, loving, caring girl. Also happens to be my bestie( lol) one of the kindest, caring, most compassionate girls that will accept you for who u are.
boy to girl: whos that pretty girl u were just talking to. Girl to boy: That's my bestie Jada
by lauren or lulu February 23, 2019
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A girl that is a extreme thug on the inside. can be very nice at times. but if made extremely mad she can become a mean thug. an undercover thug. that likes to take pictures but when she wants to. a shy person. loves music. very sexy and is waiting to find the right person to be in a relationship with. has a lot of haters and loves them.
girl that is black and is named jada
by Gurtrode February 21, 2009
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Jada is.. different in a way. Sure, she’s lazy, and doesn’t want to do anything but sleep and/or listen to music but seriously, if you know a Jada, just know that you might’ve found a genius. They’re not in a specific friend group but she is noticed by others for her ... weird aura. Don’t misunderstand them though. They may be going through some issues that they wouldn’t tell you. You may think they’re your best friend but in reality... you may know nothing about them. Convince them to open up and their shell will crack open to reveal and dead soul. Revive them and try to convince them to not do.. some of the bad ideas that they had in mind.
Person: Who’s that?
Person 2: Uh... I forgot her name but I think she was sleeping in math class
Person: Oh yeah, that’s Jada
by A g u s t D October 7, 2018
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The Girl that every hoe wishes to be and Every nigga wants to date . She Beautiful , Goofy asf & Cool ash , everybody likes her . Not worried about NO nigga feels like if you cant help her get yo where she wants to be she dont need you .
I want to be just like Jada when i grow up .
by prettygaaldee December 20, 2016
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