The emotion that shows an extreme point of happiness, or even overtakes happiness in discription of a single time or thing; usually found in people who have just had a life-shaking experence, such as child-birth. Danger, use this word with care.
Sience his wide had their first son, he has been filled to the brim with joy
by Cory Morgan January 2, 2005
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When a controll tower advises a pilot that he has an approacing aircraft. If the pilot does not see the approacing aircraft, after a few seconds, he can reply "no joy".
I have no joy on the approacing aircraft.
by Benchfly September 10, 2010
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oops, there goes my joy all over your face.
by Anonymous November 5, 2003
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A joi porno is a buere instructing you to walk off on her.... face tits ass etc
by Timber Tim February 20, 2018
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"The outward expression of your love relationship with God."
"He(Jesus) gives me joy thats unspeakable, and i like it."
by Halycondrop June 7, 2004
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Joy is a baddie, wife that girl up she a dime.
Joy is also beautiful and hottt. She’s the best friend/crush/girlfriend you will ever have.
Yo did you see that girl, her name must be Joy.
by SpencerO7 October 26, 2019
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it means your fucking happy or excited
by bgvnh October 31, 2015
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