A Hectoris an alien that disguises themselves as a person

Me: What's your name
The Hector: I'm a Hector
Me: what's that?
by Sksksksk Anna oop September 27, 2019
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Omg I couldn't get laid last night so I bought me a Hector.
by aggin March 1, 2013
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Hector is a very sweet, nice and respectful guy. You can trust him with anything. He can always tell when something is wrong with you and doesn't like to have secrets hidden from him.if you ever find a Hector, love and care for him as much as possible.
by Ehitjdhd July 15, 2021
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Kel: “hey guys i found my pet rock hector
by aspeno March 16, 2021
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The action of taking somebody's food with out them knowing
Dude, Hector him. He left his food unattended.
by Milkdude February 13, 2017
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It can either be a sweet young boy that will be a great friend or some retarded gay Indian.
“Stop you’re being hector
You’re hector”
“Did you see hector?”
by Sp3ngy April 22, 2020
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Hector is bad! hector is a very bad person who's favourite food is Risotto with Olives. Hector is extremely bad at football and he gets bullied a lot.
Hector: I'm so bad!
everyone: We know!
by Bullying is good February 8, 2019
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