An adult female hockey player who likes to play exclusively on men’s teams. Usually the “Hamster” creates a lot of issues with the other players’ wives and she creates awkward locker room scenarios.
Hamster played for us last night, it was the only time Tony kept his fucking mouth shut.

Hamster burrowed her way into the dressing room last game, thought Angelo was going to pitch a tent.

Dude, Matt told his wife that Hamster played last night. My wife was so pissed.
by TBels October 2, 2019
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a younger woman who preys on older men; the opposite of a cougar.
Your sister is a hamster because she's sleeping with a guy 20 years her elder.
by PghFun1 April 15, 2009
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Home And Masturbating Showering Toking Eating Resting
by Sissywashere February 22, 2015
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A small rodent not to be confused with a mouse. They are very fuzzy and friendly. They also like to dance. Also, they will run in little plastic or metal wheels until they die from either heart attack or exhaustion. Make good pets except they are known to plan world domination, escape artists and also like to run around your house and poop everywhere.
by hamsterexpert August 1, 2012
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What happened when the squirrel got overly lustful and fucked a rat repeatedly.
Science Teacher: So, as we all know, the hamster was brought into existence shortly after the squirrel and rat were introduced. I want you to write a 10 page essay on the behaviors of these animals during mating.
by ihatelifemorethanyou September 17, 2009
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Hamester is a racist term, for an African AMerican, used without them knowing for decades by whites attending a company picnic. It later spilled over to the general public.
"Hey hurry up guys before the freekin hamsters eat all the chicken and watermellon!"
by Kathy Whitfield August 6, 2004
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