An evident rip-off of the GhostPolice. Employees of this group are callow New-Yorkers. see: Ghostbuster
When the GhostPolice began their rise to power, smaller organizations such as the Ghostbusters tried to share in the growing operation of paranormal investigation and elimination.
by Dr. Snipe February 12, 2006
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A famous group of morale captains at the University of Michigan's Dance Marathon 2005
by GB March 22, 2005
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There are two types of ghostbuster, both refer to rare achievements during shitting. The first type is when after shitting you look in the toilet, and there is no shit in the bowl, as if you had never taken one. No one knows how this happens, whether it disappears up the U-bend or has been claimed by greater powers is still unclear.

The second type is when after shitting you wipe, and to your amazement, there is no shit on the paper, again as if no excrement had been passed.
Either of these are impressive, but the pinacle is the double ghostbuster, the act of performing both single ghostbusters with a single bowl movement. The average person will never achieve this amazing feat in their lifetime, so if you have write it in your diary, as it will likely never happen again.
Marlon: hey randy, I thought you were taking a shit, flush that down man!
Randy: I didn't need to, it was a ghostbuster.
Marlon: so why isn't there any paper in the bowl?
Randy: you might not believe this, but it was a double!
Marlon: no way!
by gottopoop June 24, 2010
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When a group of guys run a train on a female and the last guy goes box diving, he comes up with the last dozen guys jizz on his face...

Ohh you got slimed!
12 of us ran a train on this bitch, I was so drunk and last in line, I ate her out, felt extra slimey, then realized I was ghostbustered.
by ohknats April 28, 2010
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When you unexpectedly ejaculate on your partner. No warning can be given when one ghostbusts, including facial expressions or noises.
Guy 1: "I really made Marry mad when I decided to go ghostbusting with her."
Guy 2: "I'm surprised she didn't kick you out for that!"
by YaBoiBrody July 16, 2015
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Someone who has sex with a very white female, to where they are practically albino.
That girl is hella white! You hooked up with her last night your considered a ghostbuster.
by Martin Jr August 31, 2008
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Two, or more, men who love each other in a completely non-sexual way.
"Whoa, are those guys gay?"
"No, man, they're just ghostbusters"
by dancinpete January 13, 2007
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