Art. Graffiti is a way to express your self through a can of Krylon, a Streaker, a Crink, or a Beaker.. Outlines, Throw-Ups, Pieces, Bombs, Tags, Connecters. It's a way of life, Dangerous but it's life.
Did you see that Eres Bomb on the Church Wall? That was sick.
by Grug-Fee-tee -Graff- October 1, 2003
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Commonly misspelled as grafitti, graffitti, grafiti, etc. Learn how to fucking spell it, and then maybe someone will respect your piece.
I write mad graffittiee!
by KMS1 June 21, 2005
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A popular pastime for poor people and children with ADHD. One of the reasons why we can't have nice things.
"Daddy, who put all that scribble on the walls?"
"It was those long-hairs from the Occupy Wall St movement. It's their way of saying they the hate people who give them money. People like us. They call it graffiti."
by Reggie_dunbar November 11, 2011
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Completely illegible nonsense written on private property.

Often people consider graffiti art, however it is not in any way, shape or form. It is aesthetically ugly, and most often all looks the same.
Did you hear that John, the misguided delinquent got busted for graffiti'ing?
by stottpie September 1, 2006
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vandalism/ destruction of private property consisting of usually illegible nonsense painted or written in public areas. usually committed by borderline illiterate yo boys, hip hop retards, and chavs
take a ride through a crappy neighborhood- enjoy the graffiti
by drschmitty December 24, 2008
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Vandalism committed by gangbangers and their suburban wannabes (Who never tag up their own neighborhoods because if their parents found out, they would take away the BMW) in my friggin' neighborhood using paint, scratching glass, poo, mud, etc.

Popularized in graffiti shows by shitheads like Mark Ecko and the crappy Scion toaster company who don't like graffiti in their own neighborhoods either. It was bad enough when it was gangs marking territory. Now there are overgrown little kids who crave attention and want their tag to show up on the news. Get your parents to buy you some canvas, or go cut yourself, or take ex and nitrous, or drugs, or whatever else you do for kicks, and just hurt yourself, and leave Richmond alone you wannabes.

Those cochinos think their graffiti is art, but it just makes my ghetto look more ghetto.
by ch00mp June 13, 2009
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A form of art that expresses an indevidual (writer).People commonly mistake all graffiti to be associated to gangs while around only 10% is by them. The artists are known as taggers, writers and they come up with monikers or names that describe themselves or just sound cool and they develope there own style into there art. Thats how taggers eventually become "kings" by having the freshest, unique style. This is not the only graffiti however. The common sayings on bathroom stalls and other places is also considered graffiti.For example "I was here" or certain poitical sayings or even cartoon characters scribed in.
That writers up around the whoe city. Hes a graffiti king
by natetherebel December 8, 2007
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