a kick, usu. in form 'in the hole', ie up the arse.
I gave all these people who don't seem to know what funt means a funt in the hole.
by Puisin September 3, 2003
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A cunt with a fishy smell or look to it, sometimes with a fish sticking out of it.
*pulls down pants* OH DEAR GOD YOU HAVE A FUNT!

Oh...your funt tastes way better than anyone elses.
by SiRgReEnLeAf December 2, 2003
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"FUNT" is a word mostly used with all capital letters. It is to be used as a one word reply to a Facebook status which which whinges about pointless stuff or is depressive, sad, or lame!
Kim Smith has had a really stressful day.

Sam Bromley: FUNT!
by Razorriot July 17, 2010
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(Pronounced: Fuhnt) Noun

Fucking Cunt.

The blending of both words, to become a single, descriptive insult, used as a term of endearment towards a person whom you despise, in such a way that takes such dislike to a whole new level.

Fucking Cunt
"That annoying bitch Linda has to be the most ignorant 'FUNT' I have ever met!"
by The Screaming Queen March 27, 2019
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A mixture of "Fucking" and "Cunt"

The use of the word "Funt", should only be used in the harshest regards and should be used to cause the utmost offense to the reciever at hand.
"Oi you, get tae fuck ya wee Funt!"
by Scoots94 December 19, 2011
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''Dude that guy was a funt''
by jigglyballz July 6, 2014
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1.One who plays stupid pranks on unexpecting people and then shows it on TV.
2.A word for everything,like smurf.
1.Hey it's that damn Peter Funt guy, let's knock him over and still his hair.
2.OH funt, I funted another funt.
by StonerSmurf November 8, 2003
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