emotions are gross and icky
10/10 would not recommend showing any emotions
by fairylolita August 19, 2014
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Disposition, just the correct non-copying form of it. Certain bands try to steal other certain Aerosmith songs, just they do it wrongly.
Elaina "sweeeeeeeeeeeet disposiiiiiiiiiiitioooon"
Kyle "that's not the song....."
Elaina "oh you're right, the song is even called 'sweet emotion'"
by MrBigBoy May 16, 2010
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The mentality of an emo person to hate everything.
That boy has such a depressing emotality.
by DVS TJ March 8, 2009
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Giving off an emo vibe.
Person: Did you see that chick? Talk about emote.

Random Guy to Annoying Girl: EMOTE!
by Sahara April 21, 2005
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A nice way of saying someone is a raging cunt.
You: Hi there
Them: Fuck you
You: There is no need to get so emotional
by burning_bush May 23, 2010
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agitation or disturbance of mind; viament or excitement; mental state
Janet Weiss shows emotion before sleeping with Rocky in The Rocky Horror Picutre Show
by Demon Barber June 14, 2008
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Jasmine: I just wanna get laid and break relationahips but nobody likes me because I'm so emo.
Sadie: You freaking emot.
by HTTU March 17, 2019
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