A playful and deliberately racist one-word summary of all language spoken in India, derived from the sound of sharply emphasized consonants heard in most Hindi accents. (Place strong dental articulation on the 'd' sound for best pronunciation, such that it almost sounds like "nn-DOOT".)
English person: "Hello!"
Spanish person: "¡Hola!"
Chinese person: "Nihao!"
Indian person: "Doot doot!"
by Holly_Teacakes July 29, 2011
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the nickname for the game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, most often referring to online gameplay
"Dude you hoppin' on the doots?"
"Signing on as we speak."
by Deezul October 16, 2009
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A derogative term given to a person who is acting irritating at a given time; uncomplimentary
Justin was acting like a doot yesterday when I was working with him.
by NCKTCStud October 25, 2011
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An amazing word, one used in conversations. It can replace any word or be a word of itself. That means it just can mean anything. There are some people who are in a doot cult, wait no, a group that uses this word as a language itself.

Love the word doot, as it gives happiness and a sense of power. We will make you smile from saying doot.
"Oh yeah, I love the word doot. It brings a smile to my face when I hear it!"
"Bye, or Doot"
by Foogs, but in hell May 31, 2020
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It wasn't a poot. It wasn't a toot. There were lumps, so it must've been a doot.
by Pooptoot McGinnis January 25, 2020
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A hidden link in a webpage leading only to a page saying "Congrats to you, you found this link!" found only by people who actually try to.
Phil: I found this random link on a webpage and clicked on it, only to have it say "You have found it!"

Clyde: Woah! You found a doot? No way!
by MpegEVIL April 26, 2011
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Balding fat ass with a penchant for porn. Master of four of the seven deadly sins: Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, and Lust.
Doots lay on the coach double fisting "festive specials" while watching porn.
by Mark Preston January 7, 2004
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