When one's sheets move out of place, or come untucked.
Oh no, my sheets are in a doog!
by Howie Quinn February 13, 2011
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Doogs are another word for pain-relieving prescription drugs such as Hydrocodone & Oxy-contin.
Last night Marcus and I popped 6 doogs each and fucking rolled hard !
by Doogie Hauser August 20, 2008
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dangerous animal found in the jungle and backlot. this wild beast knows how to handle machine guns. known for extreme behavior and spontaneous wild doog attacks. is said to be mythological like sasquatch but with ak47s and .357 magnums
i was walking down the road when the wild doog jumped out of a pine tree and land on me while beating me with a ak47
by wild doog victim August 20, 2009
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A very classy way of saying goodbye
Bob: eyb doog

Steven: wow you're posh
by Ashton230907 February 21, 2020
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A sacred phrase used by the ancient Gugus from the Gugu Empire (1295-836 BCE), in present day Gugindia. This phrase, primarily was only known to the Gugu elite class, and was shortly spread amongst the Googswazee (peasants, farmers, merchants). "Googs and Doogs" was a battle cry used in war during times of social and political disorder. It helped enhance the moraels of fellow Gugu warriors, but only if it was screamed to the Gugu gods. There is no literal translation for this phrase. "Googs and Doogs" is still used today, but only by a small tribe hidden in the Gugalayas Mouuntains in Gugindia.

Warrior1: "Help me, I'm dying..."
Warrior2: "Everyone get over here, we need to issue a battle cry for young Gugswaga!"
(All warriors get together)
Together: "GOOGS AND DOOGS!!!!"
(Gugswaga get up, feeling energized, and ready to fight!)
fat fellow black india Googs and Doogs
by Master Gugswagalaga February 2, 2011
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To do something well. Play in good spirit. To be a good competitor. Reply to an act of good nature.
Origin (Australia 1970's and 80's). To be good at marbles, and knock your opponent out, he would reply with "Good Doogs".

Office worker 1. "I have that folder for you".
Office worker 2. "Good Doogs"
by MrChooka69 December 19, 2012
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a word that can be substituted for fuck or bro or ass
whats up my doog?
what the doog was that?
take it and shove it up my doog!
by Qualles Johnson September 4, 2010
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