when your too fucked up that you have to grip on to the ground that you feel your going to fall off the earth
I'm discombobulated man.
by dickinyamouth helicopter November 7, 2003
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mental dystfunction due to consumption of intoxicating substances.
i'm feeling discombobulated
by stuart April 9, 2004
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past tense verb/adjective meaning a state of extreme combuffleness or being dissorientated.
he was compleatly discombobulated.
by sebastienbufflenesss November 8, 2008
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To dissmember or destroy something in quite a messy way.
"Dude, i just totally discombobulated that alien on my computer!!!"
by YOUR WORST ENEMY!!!! March 14, 2004
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Significantly to extremely drunk and therefore alcohol impaired. Naturally this is the sign of a smashing good time.
Hey Ted, let's find a bar and get totally discombobulated.

Man, I got so discombobulated at the party last night. Good thing I had a designated driver.
by ViciousBadger August 15, 2010
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to be pushed to the point of extreme confusion, whereas you become tired and enter a drunk-like state.
someone has their head titled back, with their tongue hanging out. they are drooling,and keep trippign over their own feet.
"Is he drunk?"
"No, he's discombobulated,"
by fugabutacus August 1, 2005
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