An umpalumpa Usually called by the sexy chelseas. Is very nice and lucky to have in your life. A dennis is usually sporty. Also is a wild, crazy, fun, weird, handsome person. Can also be the sweetest guy when he really likes someone. The best Dennis's are Assyrian.
I dated a Dennis once and he was AMAZING! To bad it ended...
by dysfunctionalfam November 30, 2010
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A breed of person closely related to a rabbit capable of destroying cities with his whiskers and breaking chairs.
Although formerly asian, this dude looks completely american.

Relentless of everything else, he's and amazingly hardcore person and is commenly known as "Ploka-Dot"
"That guy is breaking chairs!? It must be dennis."
by potazzium August 25, 2008
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Your pervert teacher who always touches you!
Yeah...he's a Dennis
by H_{} February 13, 2016
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Dennis is not very smart . Kinda looks like Justin Bieber. You know when he walks in the room even when your not looking. You get along with him the first time you see him. He is also the most model looking guy you see he loves soccer and he loves to eat. He might hang around dumb ass people but he’s the best person to be around . He might get jelous at times but he means well. That’s Dennis for ya .
by Mexican.princessa February 10, 2019
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Dennis is a guy that is bad at fortnite he always gangs up on autistic kids
Yo, stop Akin like a Dennis
by Rob Next2You September 23, 2019
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The most emotional person you can ever meet
If you will meet Dennis, probably he's emo German.
by lil princess May 28, 2021
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