1)A sarcastic way of saying you don't care
Can you give me 50 dollars?
I can give u deez nuts.
by Mariah's definition's 😜 September 8, 2015
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the best phrase ever, especially when used to tool females
Snoop: Yeah, so you want it on CD or on tape?
Host: How about a CD?
Snoop: CD? Well, CDeez nuts!
Host: Alright, well how about a tape?
Snoop: Tape huh? Aight, you can tape DEEZ NUTS to your CHIN.
by boom boom b July 20, 2004
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Person 1: Yo, you know Phillip
Person 2: Phillip who?
Person 3: Phillip on DEEEEEZ NUUUUUTSSS
by Smith Dogg October 19, 2003
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The hanging sacks of flesh under a man's penis. Also known as testicles.
Yo bitch, you want to suck on deez nuts. Do you want these nuts in your mouth??
by dasmart one October 30, 2007
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Answer to the question "who?" and often followed by the word "bitch"
Hey man...he told you to shut up.
Deez Nuts Bitch
by DSTONE October 20, 2004
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Possesive description of the contents of my wrinkly sack when they are in your mouth. Easy way to tell someone whos nuts are in their mouth.
Deez nuts in yo mouf biatch
by Jon C D August 7, 2007
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