A person who advocates for lockdowns, mandatory masks, school shutdowns, and other infringements on liberty based on unsettled science. This kind of person has nothing going on in their life except the sweet dopamine rush they get from self-righteously judging everyone else and tattling on people who don't trust the "experts." Usually talks about "science" a lot but has no background in math or science.
Wow, Linda screamed at an old man today for not wearing a mask while taking a walk alone on a deserted street. This pandemic has really turned her into a Covidiot!
by Pandemaniac April 12, 2021
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A MSM programmed sheep who doesn't see the obvious repeated attempts by the deep state global elitists to control a population through the use of fear propaganda and misinformation. Even though the last 25 bio-scare attempts were unsuccessful, somehow this "novel" coronavirus is THE ONE. OMG! Let's all put on a mask and stop it!

A person who doesn't see the falsification of numbers by hospitals for monetary gain, as federal money is given (per case) in generous quantities to facilities handling covid cases. These people don't find it suspicious that death by all other causes have fallen sharply and in direct reverse correlation of "spiking coronavirus cases". It's like covid cured not just the common flu, but all other causes of death as well. Amazing.

A person who see's the psy-op they've been drawn into as real, and dangerous, in spite of no actual known friends or relatives who have died from the purported disease. No piles of dead bodies to be found. No packed hospitals in reality, if they actually go check. Newsflash people: what you're seeing on TV is not reality. Go see for yourself what's going on in hospitals. Not much. Most are more like ghost towns than the bustling normal businesses they were pre-2020.
The covidiot thinks that the .125 micron virus is going to be stopped by a mask, despite visually undeniable proof that dust of all sizes just go around the mask.
by analyzer64 December 29, 2021
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Someone who is so worried about a 99 percent survival rate cold that they make themselves and others look like idiots.
Look at that covidiot over there with gloves, masks, and a face shield because they believe everything the media tells them to.

Covidiot: "Hey, what are you doing without a mask on? We're in the middle of a pandemic."
Sane person: "Why don't you go shove you're mask up your ass, i'm just trying to breath."
by A random person48 November 21, 2020
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1. A covidiot is someone who rejects overwhelming evidence, provided by scientists, while promoting his opinions as facts.
2. Someone who, during a pandemic refuses to wear a mask in Walmart.
3. Anyone who thinks drinking bleach will cure anything.
Synonyms include: anti-vaccer, flat-earther, alien conspiracy theorist, climate change denier
That covidiot watched the Trump press and drank an entire bottle of bleach, what a covidiot.
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Someone who believes everything "experts" and politicians say about COVID-19 and doesn't use their own brain when making decisions about COVID related safety.
You might be a covidiot if you wear a mask while driving alone with the windows up.
by September 15, 2020
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Someone who has lived through the Covid19 pandemic for 17 months and still refuses to believe how deadly it is or get vaccinated.
by Mills5327 August 25, 2021
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People who enthusiasticly wear masks and don't analyze or question any information dubbed Mainstream or Newsworthy. People who believe in fear over rights and laws. The folks fighting to give our rights away and get this 1984 adventure going full tyranny.
The covidiots don't care about the limits of govt, they want mandatory masks.
by Pat Tree It December 9, 2020
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