by MiF September 19, 2004
Mass Stupidity Media: the network of news, opinion and entertainment outlets from which most people acquire information about the world around them. So named because its once-vital role in keeping people constructively aware of civic matters important to their future, has been abdicated in favor of gossip, celebrity-fawning and misinformation.
"More people know about Miley Cyrus' tattoos or what name Sean Combs is going by this week, than have any clue who their own Senators or Congressman are, or how the government is supposed to operate -- and the MSM like it that way."
by Caomhainn April 10, 2014
1.) Mainstream Media; the broadcast (films, television, radio) and print (newspapers, magazines) media produced by one of the large media conglomerates (in 2017 five corporations controlled 90% of US media. Source: wikipedia). Is often used pejoratively due to concern that it lacks a diversity of viewpoints and can unduly influence Americans' understanding of and opinions about events. MSM is juxtaposed to alternative, or independent, media.
2.) Men who have sex with men. Commonly used in healthcare and public health because it is more concrete and useful in medical decision-making and epidemiological data collection than the ill-defined social contructs gay/homosexual/bisexual/'identify as straight but sometimes have sex with men'/'gay but celebate'/etc.
2.) Men who have sex with men. Commonly used in healthcare and public health because it is more concrete and useful in medical decision-making and epidemiological data collection than the ill-defined social contructs gay/homosexual/bisexual/'identify as straight but sometimes have sex with men'/'gay but celebate'/etc.
1.) The story was first reported on a popular blog, but was soon picked up by MSM.
2.) MSM should be tested regularly for syphillis as the disease is more common in this population.
2.) MSM should be tested regularly for syphillis as the disease is more common in this population.
by niccast September 12, 2020
by Ted Gellar March 15, 2005
by William Stickers April 14, 2008
by KayleeGachaStudios November 27, 2019
Men who have sex with men. Used to include those who engage in homosexual behavior, but do not identify as gay.
by dny December 3, 2004