When you happen to pass by an unguarded or unattended item of value in your daily routine and swipe it before anyone notices it. Usually sold afterward.
me: Wanna buy an iPod?
guy: Where'd you get it at?
me: Just came up on it!
by Mega Millions March 30, 2010
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What Oprah Winfrey said after the president of hermes appologized over her not being allowed entry into their store that was in the process of closing for a private party in paris. In other words Oprah now is talking "Black".
Sir I appreciate that you "came correct" in treating this matter.
by Jeffrey S. September 20, 2005
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1. to see something
2. something you stole or found
ey dawg..today i came across that new cell u wanted
by JoShWa July 4, 2003
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The literal or theoretical loss of an orgasm.

-In the act of Fornication-

When a thought pops into your head just before you orgasm, that is so disgusting that you lose the ability to finish.

-Theoretical use-

When, after getting into a book or movie, the ending is so horrible that it ruins the entire experience.
B: Oh man... I just thought of Fergie's face... I'll be anti-cumming for a week.

B: I got to the end of the newer War of the Worlds movie, and I was sort of into it. And then the ending hit and it was a total anti-came. Everything was just randomly perfect! UGH!
by Ogen December 6, 2009
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BLOODY painful i.e. that fackin came keen like a bastard
that fackin came keen like a bastard!
by charliebarley August 15, 2008
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Kim Wilde's hit song from 1988

Also, describes typical incident with adolescent viewer when watching this music video
Hey, did you see Kim Wilde in music video "You came"?
-Yes. I came!
by dildo777 February 15, 2018
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