4 definitions by Jeffrey S.
Term used around the jersey shore area for the folks that invade our quiet and peaceful area from memorial day to labor day every year. "Benny" has multiple terms including but not limited to. "Benny from brooklyn (usually jewish folk) and Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark NJ area people. Benny's are known for thinking they are all that and feel they should just "cut the line" proud at being rude and dressing like they are from NYC.
Man all these new york license plates full of benny's on board creating more traffic jams and driving like assholes. Can't wait for these rich snob's to go home (which is usually NY) "Benny go home" (Yelling it out of a car window)
by Jeffrey S. October 9, 2007
The newest and next best thing to ever hit sirius radio. Howard along with his on demand tv channel will revolutionize the way we all enjoy awesome fucking entertainment that will be unedited and unbleeped and overall untouched by the lords of the FCC. Long Live Howard Stern on howard 100 and 101 on sirius!!!!
by Jeffrey S. November 12, 2005
When you go to McDonalds and your order comes back completely different from what you asked for and you have already left the drive thru.
Tom: What the fuck are you mad at man?
Jeff: Yo man that fucking stupid ass Mcdonalds server game me a filet 0 fish fucking sandwich instead of my Chicken sandwich
I ordered. Those fucking workers are so fucking dumb.
Tom: Hey pal guess what?
Jeff: What???
Tom: You just got McScrewed (laughing)
Jeff: Fuck you asshole!!!
Tom: Still Laughing.
Jeff: Yo man that fucking stupid ass Mcdonalds server game me a filet 0 fish fucking sandwich instead of my Chicken sandwich
I ordered. Those fucking workers are so fucking dumb.
Tom: Hey pal guess what?
Jeff: What???
Tom: You just got McScrewed (laughing)
Jeff: Fuck you asshole!!!
Tom: Still Laughing.
by Jeffrey S. October 20, 2005
What Oprah Winfrey said after the president of hermes appologized over her not being allowed entry into their store that was in the process of closing for a private party in paris. In other words Oprah now is talking "Black".
by Jeffrey S. September 20, 2005