9 definitions by Mega Millions

anyone who has basically fucked with every kind of drug
guy 1: Arthur has smoked weed, crack, meth, and even sniffed coke.
guy 2: what a drug slut
by Mega Millions May 23, 2009
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An alternative to smoking... very addictive and pricey.
Kid: I need $3.99 for a pack of pokemon cards.
Mom: I thought I got you to quit.
Kid: That's what you said about Dad's smoking!
by Mega Millions March 14, 2007
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When you happen to pass by an unguarded or unattended item of value in your daily routine and swipe it before anyone notices it. Usually sold afterward.
me: Wanna buy an iPod?
guy: Where'd you get it at?
me: Just came up on it!
by Mega Millions March 30, 2010
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The worst form of human communication yet.

A stupid play on words trying desperatley to be funny.
(the most stupidest pun ever)
guy 1: knock knock
me: who's there
guy 1: orange
me: orange who
guy 1: orange you glad i didn't say bannanas?
me: I had a "blast" hanging with you...
by Mega Millions May 25, 2009
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Anyone who is part of a gang and goes to school, but never puts in work or hits up anyone. Uses the fact that he's in a gang to intimidate others, but inside, he's a little pussy.
Guy 1: What the fuck you lookin at?

Guy 2: Man what foo, you think you harder than me?

Guy 1: You won't do shit. You just a weekend gangsta!
by Mega Millions November 20, 2010
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to borrow or have
I walked in the room with my hat on. Urgel asked me, "Lemme get at that hat"
by Mega Millions April 16, 2009
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