A term expressing joy, excitement, or triumph. An anglicised form of the Spanish word 'bulla', which is pronouced the same and means "noise or racket".
by hotpepper February 7, 2007
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an exclamation of victory after pulling a large pair of testicles out of a woman's (or gay man's) butthole. Made popular in a viral video early in 2005.
(Balls pulled out of asshole, and loud pop is heard)


(Girl screaming in the background)
by BIGDUUURTYD August 31, 2009
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Used to express joy when victorious.
Thirty illegitimate kids in thirty different states and not paying a lick of child support. Booyah!
by Freeloading Roomie September 12, 2006
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A term expressing joy, excitement, or triumph. Can also be used as a substitute for almost all modern day positive slang. Also see "boo-yizzle".
Dude, I totally just did your mom! BOOYAH!
by Brad Jackson May 16, 2003
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the word is a positive exclamation of excitement. Interestingly enough, in spanish the word, "bulla" (pronounced booyah) means noise.... So it is a noise of joy, of excitement..
Like Booyah!!!! I just found 20 bucks on the sidewalk!!
by Cybergal March 26, 2008
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it is supposed to be the sound of a sawed off shotgun. made popular by the early 90's rap group "booyah tribe" also used by cypress hill in their early albums.
"sawed off shotgun, hand on the pump. booyah, sorry i had to get ya." cypress hill
by j June 16, 2006
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There is no definition by way of words. It is more of a feeling built up with a certain tension that manifests into a climactic blackhole of speechless expression... this blackhole can only be metaphorically constructed by speech with the so called 'word'...."booyah."
If "booyah" was in a thesaurus, it MIGHT have like terms such as:

-"Take that!"
-"You just got served!"
-"Oh my God, the quarterback is toast!"

...and in Spanish, the translation of "booyah" would be:

-"Toma!" (which roughly translates into "Take That!")
by Nash Peterson April 28, 2005
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