Blonde is a light golden hair color ranging anywhere from platinum to caramel.There is no such thing as a dirty blonde, there just brunettes trying to pass themselves off as blondes, and brunettes who dye their hair blonde shouldn't be telling people they're blonde when they're BROWN roots are showing.
Being blonde doesn't mean your stupid or less intelligent than brunettes or redheads. I'm a blonde and my IQ is 136 average is 85! That stereotype comes from people like Marylin Monroe and Jessica Simpson.
The main reason blondes are considered more attractive is the human eye is drawn more to the light color of blonde hair than the dark color of a brunette.
Blonde is actually an endangered hair color. Only 1 in every 20 women is a natural blonde and only 1 in every 45 men is a natural blonde. This is due to blonde being a ressive trait. Brunette is a dominate trait. Its practically impossible for 2 brunettes who had brunette parents to have blonde children.
Just because someone is blonde it does'nt mean they're a hooker or sluty or easy. Hair color really does'nt really judge that. That just comes from stupid blondes who act all prissy and dumb because they think it's cute, and most guys do think it's cute.
Every hair color is speacial and unique in it's own way and they can all have fun.
- Just because some blondes are sluty disty and blonde does'nt mean we all are -
by Devonna August 7, 2005
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1) A certain colour of hair

2) A stereotype- taken as either an insult or compliment- Positive and Negative ways:

Negative (said by non-blondes): meaning a highly unintelligent, hyperactive, annoying, loud, generally self-loving and arrogant 'person'.

Positive (usually said by themselves, sometimes with regular spelling and/or grammer errors): More intelligent than non-blondes, More sexy than non-blondes, Bigger breasts (if female) than non-blondes, more of a fun life than non-blondes, generally better people than non-blondes.

Although obviously I myself am a non-blonde and have prejudice towards them, that dosen't change the fact that:
both ways are wrong. It's just a hair colour, it dosen't make anyone more or less intelligent, more or less 'sexy', have smaller or bigger breasts, or anything. Indeed many people may find 'blondes' more attractive, but that's just their taste- i myself do not.
"Im blonde wich means im more sexy than u and have got bigger boobs 2 and am more inteligant than u"
"No, it just means you have blonde hair. The fact that you think it makes you those things is what makes you stupid"

"hahaha a blonde she looks so thick"
"Actually i know her- she's quite intelligent"

"ur blonde, ur sexy, u have big boobs i bet, can i c them ;)"
"um... who do you think i am? not a chance!, f**k off!"
by Sevannah August 11, 2004
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1. Commonly used to refer to ditzes or ditzy moments, hence blonde moment. This is unfairly biased.
2. A hair color.
I have blonde hair yet when it comes to class rank I am tied with or have a higher grade than a Chinese girl. (With the stereotypical Asian parents that push for her to get great grades) I'm more of a person that tries to do their homework before they get home.
2. You say there's no such thing as a smart blonde yet your dumber than me. Haha dumbass.
by Me December 18, 2004
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Someone we can all make fun of, even blondes.
That blonde is making fun of herself because she just read the urban dictionary definition.
by Dee April 17, 2004
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A hair yellow color that has two spellings (blonde is for females and blond is for males.) Hair color is fairly rare, and has nothing to do with intelligence.
I am one of the smartest people at my school, and I am a blond guy (getting a B+ in a fairfax county high school AP world history course.)
by Gold Scalp October 11, 2008
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Dont Take Shit From People. Put People In Check. Can Be Nice. Are One Of The Smartest People.
Guy: She Stupid
Girl: No She's Not
Guy: Look she is Blondes Yes She Is
Girl: She Has The Highest Grade In Our Class
by Ayee_This_Chick May 25, 2012
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Lets look at these definitions here. You see, blonde people dont become stupid JUST because of their hair color. For some strange reason the vast majority of people are attracted to blondes, and then they hit on them. After a while, the guys start trying and trying and trying to seduce them by giving them gifts and crap like that, which gives the girl the idea that she can have any man she wants, so she wont have to try hard in life. Stupid people are known to have little learning experiences. When a person gets everything they want, they have few learning experiences, making them stupid. It is not because of the hair dyes, or genetics, or whatever. It is THE HUMAN SOCIETY that is spoiling our blondes, which is making them really stupid.
I would appreciate the next few definitions to add on to "Bojizzles blonde theory."
by bojzzle September 18, 2004
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