68 definitions by Dee

A biter; a little kid thats a biter or a gay guy thats a biter.
Man, youre such a copycatter i wore that same pink shirt yesterday.
by Dee July 24, 2004
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To 'chill'. to enjoy ones own space while doing nothing important. resting. taking time out. relaxing
i was kotching in my room listening to the stereo
by Dee October 13, 2003
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adj: 1. flashy, ostentatious, attratcing attention. 2. to become erect sexually
1. Chico was blinging when he stolled up in the club last night.
2. Chico's yummy-doodle was blinging when I was dancing w/ him at the club last night.
by Dee November 11, 2003
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The term responsible for the paradigm shift in how gypsys will be viewed in centuries to follow. Coozed up is a word absent from the vernacular but is used in reference to a drunk, or a whore...I think.
"Now listen here, you coooooozed up gypsy!"
-Master Shake
by Dee July 15, 2004
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A fat, sweet, cuddly cat.
Also, can be substituted for any word in a sentence or used as an adjective.
"Wow, that new toilet is geen!"
"The geen is in the loaf position!"
by Dee March 18, 2005
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Slang term originated in Philadelphia, aslo used in the NYC.
ACTUAL MEANING DUMBASSES: prompt(being ready and quick to act); this term is used as an after thought, to portray the urgency of a sitaution.
That nigga betta have my shit, or Ima fuck his ass up! EARLY!!
by Dee November 11, 2003
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A reply to someone that is talking shite.
Scaaaaa-bbbbiiiiiillll ye spoofin cunt. Your ma's got dicktits! (Scabill is said while scratching ones chin!)
by Dee August 18, 2003
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