The condition of having blue balls so badly that it hurts to even breath. This is normally brought on by sexual activity after a very long period without it and your partner not having the decency to let you get off. This should be in place of the death penalty.
"Oh my god dude, I tried to fuck Becky last night, but her brother called right in the middle of it and needed a ride home, I have some black and blue balls man."
by Sa 3434 October 10, 2007
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Nigga Balls HD comes from a video of a balding white man with a beard very exaggeratingly shouting out someone on Instagram named "big black nigga balls hd", followed by other Instagram accounts he shouts out in the same clip.
Alright Instagram it's shoutout time- to "big black nigga balls hd"....
by Head CEO of Racism February 14, 2021
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Big Black Nigga Balls HD (BBNBHD), Comes from a video in which a balded man is giving instagram shoutouts.
What’s good instagram,It’s shoutout time!
To Big Black Nigga Balls HD
by NiggaExplanations2021 July 10, 2021
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This is a meme from approximately 2018-2019, where a balding, bearded white man says "Hey, Instagram. It's shout-out time - to big, black, nigga balls HD".
The account he shouted out was part of the Hood Irony/Ironic Meme Sphere.
"What's your favorite instagram account?"
"Big Black Nigga Balls HD"
by therealdealofflavvviais January 4, 2023
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it's where a big brolic ugly ass black dude puts his dick in his hush puppy's and starts pounding
random hush puppy: i love big black corn ball dick

big ugly ass black dude named requis: i love corn ball dick
by Thebigdaddyclapper November 3, 2022
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