(n.) a man that has the physical apperance of a bird. ussually pertaining to the nose.
In class today i sat next to a birdman.
by Bob Dole February 28, 2005
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A game where one person pretends to make glasses with their thumb and index finger, then put it over their eyes.

They then call out one of their buddies name. If the buddy turns around and does not have one of their hands in the glasses position, then that person must touch the ground on which they are currently standing on with their back.

If the person turns around and DOES have the glasses symbol on one of their hands, then they are safe.
Loser: "Hey Cool Kid!"

Cool Kid: *turns around with glasses symbol* "nice try"

Loser: "OH i almost birdmanned you."
by RCDSchool September 19, 2009
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the pretzel man, capable of holding steeze , local newschoolers hero

see tom wallisch
Birdman was riding through park city, and turned the park into an auntie annies.
by BP Lan June 10, 2007
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An alcoholic beverage consisting of Vodka, Cran-Grape juice and Jolly Ranchers
I met the Birdman last night, and twas tasty!
by birdle August 13, 2010
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a word for a guy that dates a slutty bitch that looks like a bird
by foshizzleKG October 16, 2007
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A feline species that is found to be particularly attractive to the human eye.
birdman was so wasted last night that he threw up in that homeless girl's vagina
by a_really_gay_dude March 15, 2009
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