When you see a gurl that is mad sexy,you say Bigga Banga, cause you wanna tap dat mad shit.
"Yo man you see dat gurl, she a Bigga Banga."
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Another name for experience severe discomfort around your head a bit like a headache much 10x more intense.
Oi mate I’ve got a bit of a headache”
“Oh what’s that mate, you’ve got a Tony banga?”
“Yeah I had a Tony banga too last week.”
by Ozea clo January 7, 2022
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A term used to describe any collar-popping pothead who meanders the corridors at Bishop Stang High School
Almost every student wearing a polo shirt at Bishop Stang High School.
by i eat preppys April 21, 2005
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Australian term for 1 gram of Marijuana.
"Gary mate, wanna smoke a jing banga?"

"Do you want to buy a jing banga?"
by xGaryMatex August 1, 2012
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A sausage in bread. (with or without onion or dead horse)
I went down to Bunnings to get a 'Banga Sanga'
by The Sanga Banga Banga October 14, 2020
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