The retarded loser who hides behind an avatar on a public website that looks NOTHING like himself.
I can't believe that disgusting avatard tried to pass himself off as good looking!
by Debra Lynn March 29, 2007
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The on-line representation (see avatar) of a player of an on-line game who is terrible due to being so stupid that you'd love to smack them (see smacktard).
That guy's avatard should be skinned with a pink frilly skirt on, because he's afraid to get into the fight.
by David Osborne February 20, 2004
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When the avatar you are controlling in a game does random, stupid things that make you lose points and/or get you killed.
Screaming at screen: "I said JUMP ON the turtle, Mario, not make out with it, you avatard!!!"

My avatard just walked right into the lava instead of around it.
by Princess of Pain November 12, 2009
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A person who paints themselves blue and speaks in a made up language, like the Na'avi from James Camerons Avatar. known to go to conventions and act like retards, hence the name.
I went on a date with an avatard, he wanted me to paint myself blue and go running through the woods
by Ice Wolf 2800 June 9, 2010
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People who are in love with the popular motion picture "Avatar".
"Wow, did you hear billy talking about that movie?"
"Yeah hes definitely an Avatard."
by Jevin Hundgren May 2, 2010
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The person you become when you drink yourself into a blackout.
My avatard"the sasquatch" laid me down in the center of my home last night.Thankfully he left my coat and boots on so I could get up and go back at it.

Damn Dave was out there avatarded rolling around on the the floor like a whino.
by CaptainStooley January 22, 2010
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In Computing a moveable icon representing a person in cyberspace or virtual reality graphics, that is overtly stupid, childish, poorly conceived or executed, esp. when a person is making a genuine effort to be cool.
You made an decision to represent yourself with a screaming golf-ball? Dude, don't be avatarded.
by Michael Rea Thomas September 8, 2006
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