One who does not presume to know anything outside of experience, and that for what it is.
Being agnostic makes you open to the possibility that there may or may not be a God, however, it extends to all ideas considerable.
by Andrew W. Graff September 8, 2003
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Someone who would like proof of God before devoting their whole life to him/her, but acknowledges that there is a possibility God exists. They often believe that people who state either 'yes' or 'no' are too close-minded.
An agnostic does not have proof that God exists. They look for it, but more often than not never find it.
by Dana September 27, 2003
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Someone who is not arrogant enough to
think they KNOW whether God exists or not.
Agnostics believe you can neither prove, nor disprove the existence of god.
by Tragic August 11, 2003
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One who believes that it is impossible to prove whether a supreme being (or a 'God') exists or not. An individualist who has finally realised that the statement 'Billions of mindless drones can't be wrong' is bull.
by IkeM October 11, 2003
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A person that doesn't believe in anything. They don't know if God does or doesn't exist, and they don't let it bother them.

Contrary to some of the other bullshit definations on here, they aren't indicisive cowards or pussies. Don't let some fuckhead convince you otherwise.
Since there's not enough proof either way, I'm happy being agnostic
by Anonymous April 3, 2004
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"I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment to be called an agnostic. I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure - that is all that agnosticism means."

- Clarence Darrow

A: Are you agnostic?
B: Yeah.
A: Any good quotes about it?
B: Yeah, Clarence Darrow made a very intelligent statement regarding agnosticsm.
by Jack Townshend October 29, 2006
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1. Strictly, someone who believes that it is impossible to know whether or not God exists. Note that they may still be either an atheist or a theist, they simply do not believe it is possible to prove beyond all doubt that God does or does not exist.
2. Someone who neither believes fully that God exists nor that s/he does not exist. This is the more common usage. Note that such a person can be neither an atheist or a theist.
Most agnostics are open-minded people, but there are always exceptions to the rule.
by Daedalus January 7, 2004
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