Since everyone is different, meaning no one is alike, then we are the same, thus we are all normal. So everyone's tag should be normal.
by Kat~la October 13, 2008
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When you're not dead, when you still can walk en talk then you're normal.
Tom: "Emiel you where absolutely fucked last night. How many Ouzo did you had, 32?"
Emiel: "Yes i had, but i could still walk and talk, I was normal."
by Baco August 16, 2007
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Because of all the scene and emo trends, in this day and age, if you are normal, you are different.
if you got the high schools today, the normal kids wearing Gap, are usually the ones that stand out.
by brennn February 3, 2008
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absence of the abnormal. Conformity, lacking drama, excitement or anything else stimulating. Boring.
If you want to throw a 'normal' party. Don't invite any cool people.
by spittinpigeon January 3, 2004
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Anyone who isn't a townie
"I'm sure glad i'm friends with you normals rather than those burberry wearing twats over there"
by JimmyK September 12, 2003
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Small fluffy farm-yard animal, otherwise known as a sheep. They look down upon anyone who refuses to conform to the masses.
townie scum are normal
by clown boy March 5, 2004
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1. What bitches say about you when you're not like them

2. What your NOT when you're being yourself..
by peopleRdumbfoREAL December 11, 2010
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