a whiny Italian male concerned with hygiene and otherwise female-exclusive activities. He is a bit clingy and is a little bitch.
Most likely named Leonardo.
This Italian male tends to whine, complain, and act just like a clingy girlfriend.
It's okay though, because once you have a little bitch, he is your little bitch.
Mostly found in Italy or France.
Jose: Wow, you sure got a little bitch on your hands. Is his name Leo?
Sara: Yeah, how did you know?
Jose: Just had a feeling.
by YesungIsBae November 3, 2014
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Little Bitch BAM, a male in his mide 30s that goes out with or seeks relationships with teen age girls (or younger women under the age of 21). A Little Bitch BAM is a "legel" chomo, although the legal age of consent is normally 18. A Little Bitch BAM enters into these relationships because they lack the mental or financial ability to date women his own age. The average Little Bitch BAM suffers from penis envy and is worried that women his age will be dissatisfied with his technique and longevity, realizing that the little bitch bam will never be able to keep a woman his own age he seeks teenage girls that lack the experience and knowledge of what a real man is supposed to be like. A little bitch BAM is so annoyed by having to treat a woman with respect and dignity they prey on inexperienced girls.
Jake: That little bitch bam is dating a girl half his age!
Thomas: That's because the little bitch BAM can't get a woman his own age to put up with his shit!
by Sweetened Tea December 31, 2020
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Someone who can't handle spicy or hot foods.
Jason couldn't finish his spicy chicken sandwich because of his little bitch mouth.
by CrazyAssAmerican September 2, 2016
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Simon Bridges, aka Simon Fucking Bridges, is the leader of the opposition party in New Zealand politics. He has struggled with not staying relevant for the last few years and now with the CoVid19 lock downs decided he was entitled to drive to his office from his home 320kms away each week, breaking lock down protocol and looking like a complete penis throughout. In a tantrum, befitting of a 3 year old, Simon did a livestream trying to criticise the current government, lead by Jacinda Ardern, aka Aunty Cindy, good bitch, to which nearly the whole country turned on him and simultaneously shouted 'COCK'.
Trevor; "Gidday Blue, how you be?"

2nd Trevor; "Trev, did you just hear what that whiny little bitch, Simon fucking Bridges, just said about our good bitch, Aunty Cindy?"

Trevor; "Yeah, what a Cock!"
by NoPreach April 23, 2020
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