National weed day.
To go smoke weed
Refering to weed, pot,
1. It's 4(april) 20(day).
2. Let's go smoke some 420.
3. Did you hit that 420.
by Shannon January 30, 2004
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An over-used term signifying pot or potheads.
420 is behind 69 in being the most over-used number.
by Corb March 16, 2005
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At San Rafael High, a public high school in North Bay, in 1971 a group called the Waldos would say 420 to eachother when walking in between classes. Letting them know to be at the statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20pm to go toke.
Jim - "420"
Steve - "420"
by FJP August 6, 2007
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A time and date at which people enjoy smoking more pot than they would at any other time on any other day. It is also my birthday.
Dude it's 420 lets get even more fucked than we already are!

Dude! It's my birthday too, even more reason to get even more fucked!!
by bongsaremybirthright October 16, 2004
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Highway 420 had alot of weed growing along side it, and started being used to describe smoking pot. Some claim it's a police code for pot arrests. Others have claimed that they started the term by meeting at 4:20 after school to get high.
Even if it's not a police code, I find it hard to beleive that a group of hard core stoners(the San Rafael Waldos) had after school activities. ALL of them too, not just a couple. All the stoners I knew wouldn't even stay till the end of school, never mind staying for clubs or whatever. What clubs were these guys in? The Glee Club? And to be so precise with their times. It just doesn't sound at all like stoners to me. I think a few guys wanted their 15 minutes of fame and duped alot of people into thinking that they started the term '420' I would like to know where it REALLY started.
The 420 highway definition sounds alot more plausible to me.
It's 420, time to vape.
by Blacklily July 19, 2008
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1. The day where pot smokers unite and get fuckin blazed as shit
2. April 20th, 1999- Columbine shootings.
3. April 20th, 2006- Anna Svidersky gets murdered by some whackass fuck
4. Hitler's birthday. Fuck his shyt though.
Why the fuck do I need a damn example?! 420.
by KADIE :) April 21, 2007
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ya!! its 420!! and no bob marley did not die on 420 he died may 11th..origin is from the Waldos but either way..

have fun!!! ^O_o^
why drink and drive when you can toke and fly
by trickylv April 21, 2005
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