An unfortunate dot of poop transfer that occurs on the thong of a female when she doesn’t properly wipe the feces out her AHole resulting in a poop dot
To my surprise when I was using the restroom I accidentally made a poop dot on my favorite thong..boooo hooooo😡
by Roobeer January 25, 2021
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To take a poop by standing on the toilet seat and hovering over to avoid the water splashing the butt hole.
Last night I had to do a JC Poop because I didnt want no water splashing my asshole.
by Swagalisha July 15, 2019
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When your feet go numb from sitting on the shitter.
I have Poop Foot from playing my Gameboy on the shitter for too long.
by SilentReaver March 19, 2015
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A poop sock is a sock that is used for defecation. You must hide it from everyone, especially your mother, if she finds it you will be destroyed by space and time and will cease to exist.
Y'all gotta hide me my mom found my poop sock and she's looking for me. If she finds me i'm going to die
by ishidmypant March 20, 2019
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also can be used as a verb*

When you slightly vomit in your mouth in a small watery manner due too a burp, hick-up, yawn etc. we have ALL done this before :p
1. damn i just pigeon pooped in my mouth, fucking nasty!

2. i just spit out pigeon poop from eating all those tacos and water

3. i just ate jigar and pigeon pooped some of it out, gross.

4. drinking a lot of liquids with food can cause you to pigeon poop.
by Nazz818 July 11, 2009
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A universal African currency involving fecal matter.
Clerk: "Sir please play your fee upfront!"
Darwin: "How much?"
Clerk: "5₱ (Poop Shekels)"
by glikber December 29, 2021
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A knife stored near the toilet to chop giant concrete turds that would otherwise clog the toilet. Poop knives should be dull (since an accidental skin laceration would result in infection) and long-handled. Poop knives should never be used during the bowel movement.
You may want to find something else to butter your toast with, for that is my poop knife.
by Sheridan Bucket June 28, 2008
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