A comparison of two numbers described in a math problem.
Math problem: A farmer is herding sheep. He herds 5 short sheep first and then herds 3 normal size sheep after. What is the ratio of how much short sheep he herded to how much normal sized sheep he herded?

Me: The ratio is 5:3
by TheFogIsntComing April 22, 2023
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When a doctor brings you a note that says “sike John this isn’t a real thing my phone autocorrected tattoo to ratio and I just played along with it” hahahah you bitch
Leo: wanna see my ratio

John: what’s a ratio?
by Get played May 18, 2021
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u (a loser): jjk is mid
me :L + ratio bozo kys + yb better
by Unfunie April 29, 2022
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A keyword that the LGBT community commonly use
by Ekkai November 25, 2021
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To get more likes than a comment.
Often used when someone can't come up with something better in an argument.
Person 1 "I like MHA"
Person 2 "Ratio bozo😹"
by revvboyyy January 31, 2022
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If someone says something you don’t agree with
He’s mean
by Bob bobbyface January 28, 2022
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what some fatherless mfs on Twitter say to make them look cool
Person A: bro NBA Youngboy is dogwater bro
Person B: RATIO
by Airxer January 30, 2022
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