The most naive girl in the world. Will believe anything you tell her. Goes on lots of Tinder dates. Only drinks White Claws, the most basic white girl possible. But book smart at least
Hey Emily, my name's Jake Rockefeller, wanna go on a date?

Emily: sounds good to me
by tem 2 fivety four member August 3, 2019
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Emily is such a nice person. They usually have blonde hair. They are so funny. They're favourite saying is lol cha. They crack you up like an egg. They are good at sport and all the boys love Emily's. When she goes out they all look at her and say woo hoo! They are so beautiful everyone wants to look like an Emily. They are really good friends! They have a habit of looking in windows!
Person 1: Do you like Emily?
Person 2: Yes I love Emily she is so beautiful
by Funtimeshaha January 1, 2017
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An Emily is a girl who is very shy at first but will eventually turn into a sacarstic biatch and can sometimes be very annoying. However an Emily is a very hard working girl and a very good friend. She does not talk behind people's back but she does listen to her friends non-stop whining. If you gossip about someone to her, she will force you to solve the problem your self by confronting this people. You can always count on an Emily as they are loyal despite their annoying character. She will help you when you need it but will. Criticize you while she is at it. She laughs at the stupidest jokes and laughs at others laughing. Emily is however very closed off and it takes several months for her to admit she is human and that she has cried before. This is because Emily is a person who finds others crying stupid and funny and so does not want to ever cry publicly. So if a Emily tell you she has never cried, tell her it's ok to have feelings.
Hey Emily!

Hey Babe!

Soooo have you done your homework?

by VeeElle October 18, 2019
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Most annoying girl in the world, often tries to act "quirky" by doing "spontaneous" things with friends.
Omg Emily you're such a crackhead!1!1!!!11!!
by weeniexx September 8, 2020
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Emily's are not rich or poor. They try to stay humble but sometimes they just want to be proud of themselves! They are normally very skilled in singing or acting. An A minus is very dissapointing for an Emily. Emily will put your happiness over her own and trys to keep her feelings inside even when it's impossible to keep from crying. They love watching TV and are always trending! However, during the school year you can always catch Emily with a good book!!
Boy 1: Have you seen the new girl?

Boy 2: Oh yeah! Isn't her name Emily?!

Boy 1: Really?!? I want her to be my girlfriend!

Boy 2: No she's mine! I've always wanted to date an Emily.

Boy 1: Me too. They're so hot😩😍😍
Boy 2: I know I just want to eat her up🥵🥵
Emily: Woah calm down I'm not that great.
Everyone: YES YOU ARE!!
by Cous Cous 1003 September 1, 2019
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Emily: ACAB supporter, BLM supporter, KAM2020, usually pro choice, and gay, and an alt girl. Every republicans worst nightmare.
look at all these little emilies in the comments

are you an emily

stop being an emily
by drauxie August 13, 2020
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