Safety is the type of good behavior towards a problem. If you where in a sitiuation perhaps a robber is nearby, is the key.

Most Humans don't have this special ability to be safe.
*Unknown Dangerous man* (Goes into a school)- "Hehehe.....i'm officially in the school..."
*Principal* (Speaker) ""
*Random student* "Whats safety!!??..""
*Teacher* "Safety is key now!"
*Teacher* "Safety means to get security."
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Term used in Florida means stay safe out here in these streets
Ight bro I’m boutta slide I’ll hit you later, safety.
by dee tay February 12, 2021
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when a guy busts nut inside a girl during sex but its safe to do so because she is on birth control
You: Did you bang your girlfriend yet?
Friend: Yea dog for sure... she on birth control too!
You: Awesome, so you safety busted in her right?
Friend: Hells yea i did!
by calaburrito July 2, 2009
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