Someone who is queer but doesn't know what they are or can't define it. Questioning Quarrel describes the fight within themselves over how to identify.
"Jessie just came out as a questioning Quarrel!"

"OH GOD!! I feel like such a questioning Quarrel!!!"
by hot_french_cowboy April 30, 2022
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Any question that can be represented by data on a graph. A Non-Statistical Question is a question that CANNOT be represented by any data and can be simply answered.
For instance, a Statistical Question would be:
How many minutes does a typical sixth grader read each day?
This is a Statistical Question because, it can be represented by data telling how many minutes a sixth grader spends reading each day.
Non-Statistical Question:
What is your best friend’s favorite TV show?
This is a Non-Statistical Question because, it can be simply answered and doesn’t need any data to tell or represent what your best friend’s favorite TV show is.
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When you tap that little help button at the bottom of the page, you get this.
1: tap the help button to get to the Common questions and support documentation
2: you know you want to
by The_Mad_Doctor August 20, 2023
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One who can't decide their political stance, whether they are a conservative/right wing, liberal/left wing, or a centrist/bipartisan
Little Timmy was raised in a very conservative family, but lived in a very liberal environment. As a result, he became a politically questionable person.
by McValimoMadness February 28, 2018
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Phrase often used by English football commentators to describe an aggressive player focused on creating goal-scoring chances or actual goals themselves. Side definition: Whenever a guy is on a roll in a bar/club setting with regards to approaching multiple women
Their forwards have been always asking questions throughout the second half, a goal is inevitable...

He's always asking questions whenever we run into a group of ladies; the guy is gonna get laid for sure!
by shannonTHEcannon March 24, 2016
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It is a question mark in a box
It means you have no clue about something .
Hooman: Sup whacha doin
Other Hooman: Walking my pet fish
Hooman:question mark in box emoji.

I don’t know what it means does anyone else.The only reason I did this is so someone else sees this and tells me.
by Nvnvnguvnfuvnfuv February 2, 2022
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If a white guy ploughed a car through a group of people, which has happened, he wouldn't get called a terrorist (Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't called a terrorist despite his actions), though he might get called racist if they were all black and not a mix of people. His actions would be questionable, but really what happened in Waukesha is the closest thing to equal freedom of movement as anybody has seen on TV in a while, though it certainly isn't good at it's worst, no matter what the person looks like. People are freaking out because they're not used to a black guy openly taking his rage out on white people, especially not more than one at one time.
by The Original Agahnim November 23, 2021
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