38 definitions by Enter Your Pseudonym Here

somebody who makes a big deal out of everything
and is dramatic, they take everything as a major deal
and starts drama.
Person 2: wasn’t it hanging up? your backpack wouldn’t be anywhere else..
Person 2: *finds backpack * Here, You make a major deal out of everything, drama queen.
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An idiom, Used when someone says something that will probably be ignored.
See also: Waste your breath.
Person 1: Omg! That girl’s hair looks ridiculous! Just look at it..
Person 2: don’t waste your breath talking about her hair, she probably likes it!
Example 2
Person 1: I think your clothes have stains on it..
Person 2: Don’t waste one’s breath! I’ll change my clothes.
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here June 21, 2022
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“Ratio” In mathematics, a ratio indicates how many times one number contains another. For example, if there are eight oranges and six lemons in a bowl of fruit, then the ratio of oranges to lemons is eight to six. Similarly, the ratio of lemons to oranges is 6:8 and the ratio of oranges to the total amount of fruit is 8:14.

On social media, “ratio” refers to the number of replies or comments as compared to likes. A post being referred to as “ratioed” means that it has more replies than likes and is likely divisive, unpopular, or generally controversial
if people don’t agree they say “L” if they agree they say “W”
teacher: *explains about ratio.*
people who use social media: *laughs*
*some random comment*
person: ratio
person 2: L
person: why
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here March 27, 2022
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How events happened in order with dates. See also: Timeline

First, I opened my laptop and went to Google and typed in “ Urban Dictionary”.
Then, I logged into my Urban Dictionary account and pressed the plus sign.
Next, I typed in the word “Sequence”

After, I made my definition and example how my word is used in a sentence.
Finally, I published my word.
That’s an example of a sequence.
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here March 8, 2023
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Girl 1: omg! you look so fab today!!
Girl 2: thank you!! <3
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here September 29, 2021
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To show off something good you have/had which is usually offensive to people
such as. a car, house, money, electronics, clothes, shoes, family.
it’s best to keep that to yourself, Don’t show it off to a bunch of
people or you be a “Wendy” like i put how “show-off” is used in a conversation
Wendy said she owns a Pink Lamborghini, a Luxury Modern Mansion, Gucci, Dior, and Chanel. and
Amber: Geez, what a show-off!
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here April 19, 2022
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Used when you don’t care about what someone is saying.
Person: I just went to the newest coffee shop in town!
Person 2: good for you but we don’t care.
by Enter Your Pseudonym Here September 28, 2022
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