A Very Rugged Man. Has been featured in such films as Flightplan, National Treasure, Lord of the Rings, and The Hitcher.
Guy #1: Who would you go gay for?
Guy #2: Sean Bean.
Guy #1: Why?
Guy #2: Because he's a very rugged man.
by Beanman January 31, 2007
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Beans are a cheap commodity, so to count them is a rather silly thing to do. A "bean counter" is one who nitpicks over small things in order to save costs. It is a derogatory term for accountants, bankers, and anyone who holds a financial interest in an endeavor.
The Saturn ION's oil filter housing is cheap plastic because bean counters decided that a metal one was too expensive.
by kevinthenerd October 3, 2006
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An engorged clitorus enveloped in a very wet and puffy vagina.
Momma was so turned on that her bean steamer was in full effect and couldn't wait for her lover's hot tongue.
by Eaton Holgoode September 30, 2015
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Remark used when a person does something stupid. Possible combination of "fail" and "cool beans".
Jennifer reached over the table, knocking over the glass of water and spilling it everywhere.

Jennifer: "Oh, crap. Sorry guys."
Everyone else: "Fail beans."
by Slomo#1 September 3, 2009
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Jazmin Bean is a very nice singer!They do metal/rock songs that are very appreciated!They came out of the closet saying that they want to become a genderless monster!So Jazmin said that they use they/them pronouns!A lot of people thinks that they're weird in a bad way but a lot of others thinks that Jazmin is genius and love the fact that they re not afraid to be who they are as a public personality!I

personally really love them and totally recommend to give jazmin's music a chance!They really have a different style that you can see everyday and theyre style is really pretty and good-looking!
by b4by_fl3abag August 15, 2021
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What you say on place of a curse word around your very old relatives
Chad stubbed his toe on his grandma's wheelchair
Chad: Oh Beans!
by Volleyball24 December 21, 2019
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A nickname for Boston aka beantown describing its violence and gangs.
Be careful in the Bloody Bean.
by That Boston Guy July 5, 2016
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