darawiish patriotism refers to devotion to any form of the SSC-Khatumo state
he depicted his darawiish patriotism
by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023
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An individual whom will complain about players kneeling during the national Anthem while sitting on their sweating, couch-swallowing ass during the national Anthem when they are at home and nobody's looking.

Someone whom is insincere in their patriotic statements.
"Did you hear Billy-Bob-Carl-Danny-Frank yesterday? He kept going off about how unpatriotic and Unamerican those players were for kneeling during the national anthem, but he was sitting on his ass during it and drinking beer while wearing his baseball cap."

"Yeah, he's such a Plastic Patriot."
by FrabjusMuckery October 9, 2023
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School with girls who are werid but different. Guys all want mullets and bowl cuts but that's okay and the teachers all like each other and try to pull devious licks. Most are emo some are vscos and the dean is crazy caca
lorelei: hey Josh did you know baka at patriot oaks Academy is for the teachers
Josh: yes I'd did
by sad piece of cheese September 18, 2021
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Patriot juice is what makes smoke wagons start rollin'. The more juice your smokestack guzzles, the more hoo-rah points you earn!
The patriot juice is at 3.69 now! I am outraged winnifred, simply OUTRAGED!
We should frack in the bahamas for more patriot juice. 'Murica.
We can' t make our own patriot juice so we have to buy it. but it ours so it's still 'murican.
by metarrio August 6, 2019
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A phenomenon that occurs when two people meet online on an international web page and starts conversing in their own language.

Like when you read (for example) a comment written in your native language, and you reply in your native language.
Believe it or not, I met him through Internet Patriotism!
by Rekna June 29, 2011
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An American who shows their ‘love’ for their country, their fellow citizens, and the fact they aren't sheeple by wearing their covid face-covering just below their nose. Their are also noted for their small, technically micro-penis, genitalia. Micro-patriot is a portmanteau of Micro-penis and Patriot. Alternatively, Micro can stand for the small gap between their nose and their face covering.
I went to Costco and saw some real micro-patriots in the house harms you section. Not looking for condoms obviously because the ones Costco has would be too large.
by PortlandAlarmClocked January 11, 2021
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