A slang term used for marijuana outside of a joint.
"Yo, you got meow noises in there or nah?"
by The Meow Noise Man December 8, 2017
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The difficulty you experience falling asleep, when you've become accustomed to playing a podcast or YouTube or tv shows before bed. And then you're traveling and have to sleep somewhere without internet reception. So your bedroom is way too quiet, and there's no external jabbering to interrupt your own existentially tormented thoughts.
"Hey, Edna. Glad to see you're back. How was the camping trip?"
"It was great, but I really didn't get very good sleep while I was out there"
"Oh really? I figured without all the hub-bub from the city, you'd sleep a lot better"
"That's what I thought! But I just felt isolated instead"
"Sounds like you've got a case of the White-Noise Blues"
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The sound of porn on your phone that everyone else in your house can hear from your bedroom.
Mom: Honey, what's that sound coming from Jimmy's room?
Dad: Oh Margret, that's just the Porn Noise from the Porn he's watching.
by Cock&BallTorture April 7, 2019
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Unnatural mating calls via cell phone
For example. When somebody yells out Patricks LEEDLE and the opposite sex responds with LEEDLELEE even louder
by Starchary January 29, 2018
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When self-important white people won’t stop talking, so they just fade into the background and you don’t notice it.
“This guy over there at the bar needs to take a breath. He hasn’t stopped talking.”
“Oh, really? I didn’t notice. Just white noise.”
by Iknostuff February 8, 2020
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2020 Presidential Debate, the three old white men arguing with each other.
Meaningless sounds in the background that you unintentionally ignore or intentionally pretend to not exist.
"Sorry for the white noise. I didn't notice I left the TV on."
"No that's fine. It helped me fall asleep."
by Archomp October 10, 2020
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