Plural meat nugget (s)

Any particular chunk of meat that can particularly be battered and fried but it is not batter type specific.
Try my meat nugget, it is extra tasty and juicy today.
by JayyTheOrc May 28, 2021
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A sandwich that "1337 5p43k3rz" eat. Lol. For "pr0 g4m3r0x0rz" only.
ZOMG I PWN3D THIS n00b th3n I w3n7 2 937 a w311 1337 smukk3d m33t s4n!3 LOL!!!!11!ONE!111!!! BOOM! HEADSh0t! T3h 1337 s4n!

In english:
Oh my god I beat this new player at a game then I went to get a very elite smoked meat sandwich. Haha. Bang I shot you in the head.
by j03 !nf3rn0 June 24, 2006
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A secretly gay or "curious" male who fixes his eyes upon other men's junk; a gay man
Hey dude... why does it seem like you're always checkin' out other dudes junk? You were totally scoping our servers package you meat gazer!
by Theghost43 February 10, 2015
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A female/male who stares at men's packages and try to image the size of it.
I was doing a presentation for work and this meat gazer was at the front row looking at my package. WTH!?!?!?!
by Bose21 September 10, 2016
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One who has been selected to watch other men pee into a cup for a drug test
Mike: Sgt. Turbo, I need you to be a meat gazer this month since your name is not on the list.
by Diablo8195 June 13, 2017
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