Abbreviated version of One & Done which means you're only doing a one night stand with someone you'll ghost right afterwards
Friend: Hey, whatever happen to Gary?
Me: I O & D him cause the dick was trash
Friend: You did what?
Me: I One & Done him aka O&D
by igot__issues March 4, 2021
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Riley can sometimes be a bitch but she’s so nice sometimes and she’s weird and funny and she’s one of the most prettiest girls ever and she’s a tough cookie
OMG is that Riley D? She’s so pretty
by m*a*i*s*y October 5, 2020
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She can be a bitch but she’s the best person ever and she’s funny and weird and she’s amazing at softball and she’s one of the prettiest girls ever
Omg is that Riley D? She’s so pretty
by m*a*i*s*y October 5, 2020
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A reference to masturbation your sweaty twitch gamer friend would make.
"Hey guys sorry stream is late I was clicking the d-pad and got goo in my glasses." Said the sweaty twitch gamer
by TreOcculuem May 9, 2021
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yo yo ms tk yo yeah uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
p 😀🤩☹️😍😩😊😭cum d,dow-ss
by .sockz July 27, 2021
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a word from kalakeyans language Huge cringe , and Hardikh Pandiya kanni ,
by Iam, u November 23, 2021
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