A Brazilian Nut Sling, is when you tie a rope or cord around each testicle, then tie the other ends to each ears of the other participant. This is so whenever they jerk their head back from sucking dick, it tugs and rips on each of the testicles mercilessly.
Hey mat my girl just gave me a Brazilian Nut sling, my balls still hurt something fierce
by Strikegold August 24, 2021
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When a guy fucks a girl in the ass while his condom is on fire
Sara:My anus was like a firehouse last night

Sara:Juan gave one hell of a Brazilian firehouse
by Slimjim6429 April 16, 2014
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A sex act in which one partner has hot wax applied to their pubic region during intercourse and the wax is removed forcefully during climax. Afterwards, you are left with a waxing paper covered in wax and hair. Thus, the Brazilian Receipt.
My girlfriend gave me a Brazilian Receipt last night. It was painful but it felt so good.
by ejectable January 12, 2023
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When you get pregnant after someone cums in your juicy butthole and drips down the vagina
by Tripod6969 August 22, 2021
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When you're on you're on the receiving end of death and a Brazilian waxing and the spouse eats your ass
Yeah I heard marth got a Brazilian deathbed as her dying wish.
by NatasSenpai November 1, 2023
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When you cum in a chick's pussy and she queefs it back to you
She said she was into crazy shit, So we did A "Brazilian Blow Back"
by John Krappenschitz April 23, 2021
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