Kenneth and Joey will not want to be friends at first but when they get to know each other they become homies
by Look at Kenneth and Joey November 14, 2014
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the youtuber joey pockett but with 1 t
Guy 1:"I love watching Joey Pocket"
Guy 2:"Shut the fuck up"
by NickW275 January 21, 2020
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Also known as Joseph is a all in all A+ student when it comes to school and is very kind and caring. However when the sun sets he becomes quiet the party animal if you know what I mean. He is a inspiration to all and always misses his AA meetings. He’s a party animal that’s not afraid to get tanked on a Saturday night before church the next day! Let’s get fuckeddd!!!!!!!!!
Person: Yooooo Joey o!!!! That was some kick ass jungle juice you made last night!
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
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A bad ass mother fucker that eats pussy for fun.... a guy that fucks dirty jayson type girls while they watch
by Dirtyjoeygotem July 16, 2021
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When a male gives very aggressive hand and blowjobs to all comers when drunk
Daniel was giving jammy-joeys all of last night.
by Moortownmate69 March 9, 2018
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Amazing drummer for Slipknot, awesome guitarist for Murderdolls, and idol for maggots!

Stay Sic!
Joey Jordison rules!
That's rite maggotfucker!!!

Who's number 1?
by Lindroos April 17, 2008
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Silly, makes strange noises, can change reality with words, his younger brother is gay, person of the year in 2006 in time magazine, 6 foot tall, 185 lbs, brown eyes, bacteria in mouth, needs root canal, has risk of infected lymph node, has gingivitis, appreciates stories that don't suck, is a grammar Nazi commander, hates twilight, stepped on a worm once, wears shoes, is Caucasian, has pheromones, is male, not female, not bread, has a soul but does not believe in them, eats food and babies which is still food, on occasion. He also believes that cocaine is a hell of a drug, but does not like drugs. Also, he hates republicans, and liberals, and dirty hippies, and people made out of wax, and black licorice, and children, especially small ones. (the ones that smell funny and chew their own fingers) He likes to make his friends take down way to much dictation. Is a troll by nature. Hates trolls. Hates irony. Hates lists, especially lists of characteristics, hates urban dictionary, hates being defined, and is currently helping with this definition. Also he hates repetition and irony. He also hates long definitions . Is hilarious at heart and hates comedy. Hates irony and repetition. Is not gay. Enjoys manipulating rules to make little brother gay, and also has a gay little brother.
He's such a joey barton. - Bill Nye
joey barton are so last week - Jim Gaffigan
Who's joey barton ? - Marilyn Manson
by Lantano March 30, 2014
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