Coágulos menstruales. Suelen acumularse en el cuerpo y salir de pronto ante cambios de presión, tales como estornudos, gases o cambios de posición corporal. Son gelatinosos y pegajosos. Ensucian todo lo que tocan.
A: Veo que te vino!
B: Qué?
A: Tenes un hilo de trumps corriendote por la pierna.
B: Mierda, tengo que cambiarme la toallita.


A: I just passed a trump the size of my thumb! BTW I'm out of tampons
by yararadorada January 22, 2017
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Trump is a orange ass little bozo who is always shaming people
“Do you like trump
No I don’t bitch
by urmom- February 27, 2022
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Something that has a low very low probability
Even if Cleveland had been awarded the touchdown, they would have still only had a Trump of a chance to beat KC.
by RrrRRrrrr rRRRRRRRR%RaaoulR January 17, 2021
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1. Any epic fit by an adult that exceeds the worst of any two-year old on the planet.

2. The damage done by someone who is not only mad and takes their basketball for home, but seeks to burn down the basketball court before leaving.

3. The fit thrown by a sore loser, a person who clearly and fairly lost, but refuses to admit losing. See "Immature Acts".
Jesus, dude, quite throwing a Trump Tantrum. It's not that bad.
by Dutch.Uncle November 10, 2020
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Worse than a Fuck Boy. A man who not only makes excuses for Donal Trump’s behavior while in office, but strives to be like him. Calls people Socialists who don’t agree with him. More than likely a Republican member of Congress or Senate. Someone who wants Trump to succeed in his attempted coup and wants to be like Trump.
Congressman MatkWayne Mullin used to be awesome. He worked out and ate lunch with Democrats. Now he’s just a Trump Boy.
by AnnieMarie2021 January 5, 2021
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Low quality legal representation.
You got a speeding ticket, Mary? Well, don't hire that Trump Lawyer with the billboard off the interstate, you'll wind up convicted of treason.
by blahblahblahblahbla March 26, 2018
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