When something is not working correctly
1)Gramps is cunting right now, we've been taking bong rips in his Jeep for hours and he still hasn't realized
2)dude, my printer is cunting right now
by Moscow Mark April 24, 2009
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A great word.
This word can be used in any situation
Man 1: Hey
You : What cunt?

Man 1: He's a fag
You: Whatta cunt

Man 1: Wheres your homework?
You: In your cunt

Man 1: Why are u so mean
You: Coz ur a cunt

Man 1: Dude where is your P.E gear?

Man 1: POOFTA!
You: You starting some shit cunt?

by Cuntation October 24, 2007
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hundreds of women were on a nudest beach showing their Cunts
by Adam Whitehouse June 29, 2006
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A term referring to somebody doing something with an observer in disbelief.
Friend 1: Jumps and swings off a street lamp
Friend 2(Observer): "This cunt!!!"
by Dmac 86 February 7, 2007
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The parts of the female anatomy that surround the vagina.
That good pussy is wasted on that total cunt. You'd need to hit that cunt in the head with a brick first to fuck that pussy! Noisey cunt!
by Cruel-T June 7, 2010
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A noun which is a composite of the worst traits of a woman. Some times applies to men who act as a woman in this regards, usually a bastard or mother-spoiled male. Contains the components of: Bitchiness, immorality, narcissism, moodiness, unaccountable, selfishness, vanity, arrogance.

Character traits are expressed as follows:

- Flips out of no apparent reason, burning everyone in site.
- Seeks power and control over people close to her at ANY cost.
- Abuses people closest to her because she can get away with it.
- Lacks repentance completely.
- Verbally and emotionally assaults people, especially men.
- Loves to be the victim.
- Mouths off to such an extent that others contemplate physical abuse - which in turn feeds victim status giving her the greatest gift she could have.
- No morals what so ever.
- Preys on weaker/nice people.
- Gets knocked up by weaker male in order to have controlling role in relationship.
- Unable to have normal relationships with anyone. Has no long-term friends.
- Never changes, but expects the world to change for them.
- predatory and parasitic
I put up with my cunt ex-girl friend for years, then she took my money and left.
by PatOcean May 18, 2009
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A word used to define anyone who makes up a meaning for a word just to appear in the Urban Dictionary. More often than not this person has stolen the meaning from another perfectly acceptable term. Sometimes this may be a meaning that only the person supplying the word has ever heard.
Person A: I just added an entirely fictitious new word to Urban Dictionary!!
Person B: You are a Cunt.

Me: oh shit, I am now a hypocritical cunt.
by Virdell July 15, 2008
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