When someone who comes from a small country becomes extremely defensive about being called a villager for their "backwards thinking".
You're mad that I suggested you neuter your cat? You won't do it because you think it will take away his manhood? You must have a villager complex.
by 4skin gamer January 5, 2021
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A person or persons of poverty roaming around causing disturbances and acting foolish.
“Had to transport one of the Village People back to the hospital again this morning.”

“Probably drug seeking. I’m sure weed or alcohol was involved with the idiot.”
by Taxidriver34 May 11, 2023
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Dog fucker, condescending liar, loves making false accusations (partnered with his "breeder" girlfriend), worthless piece of shit, useless waste of life. Glory-seeking fire-fighting wacker that thinks he is worth something. Settles for being a useless lazy person that pays nothing to support his children, with a minimal job & no aspiration for growth; piece of shit by definition.
Village Idiot of Northern Lancaster County
by June 17, 2023
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Gluten Village is a similar term as Flavor Town except this term is used whenever you eat a gluten based product with some other ingredients in it (for example mayo, cheese, ham, salami, mustard, ketchup, butter, onion, ect.) and all you can taste is the gluten product.
Bro#1: bro, this sandwich is so bad, all I can taste is the bread.
Bro#2: aw shit dude, that's a total Gluten Village.
Bro#1: aw man, I came here to visit the Flavor Town, and all I got was the Gluten Village.
by MarkusCancerful June 17, 2020
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Gluten Village is a similar term as Flavor Town but it's used whenever you eat something gluten based with ingredients in it (like for example, cheese, salami, ham, mayo, butter, ect.) and all you can taste is the bread.
Bro#1: Bro this sandwich is so fucking bad, all I can taste is the bread.
Bro#2: oh shit man, that's a total Gluten Village.
Bro#1: aw man, I came here to visit the Flavor Town, but instead I got Gluten Village!
by MarkusCancerful June 17, 2020
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The village troll in strict terms is a person locally known for ignorance or stupidity, but is also a common term for a stereotypically silly or nonsensical person or stock character. The term is also used as a stereotype of the mentally disabled. These types often make themselves feel important by instigating public figures to boost their ego. While they can be described as mentally challenged they are keen on attracting on other villagers to a circle jerk of idiocy.
No one takes the village troll seriously, he's just here for comic relief.
by AliceBob August 9, 2018
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