Any item or reason a middle-aged middle-class entitled woman uses for the purposes of bitching about how tough life is.
@ArbysCares gave me this tough chicken slider tonight. America has a problem.
by August 13, 2022
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The act of swaying your shoulders in a very aggressive manor
Mom: I’m gonna milk you
You: Not if I Shimmy Tough
by Shimmy Tough Boi April 11, 2018
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Someone who acts tough or hardcore through a telephone or computer but lacks the courage to act accordingly in person. Telephone Tough Guy
Todd is a coward in person but acts like he is Mike Tyson over the telephone/computer, he is a real telephone tough guy.
by Markizel May 19, 2019
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When you are tired of hearing someone complaining all the time. Life is hard, stuff happens get over it.
Bill: man I cannot catch a break, my boss hates me, I got a flat, my girl is mad at me.
Frank: Tough potatos man, you are constantly crying about something.
by Brave Feather January 30, 2017
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1) the precursor to misery, toil and troubling endema on stock markets globally. to insight this remark is conjure econo-hell, stagflation and the livin' end on the world as we at that knew/know it.

it's a tough phrase but someone's gotta utter it.

woe betide the one who does, as it marks the makings of history in progress, a history for which while you alone weren't responsible, you know you alone can be called to account, but won't be and this is just something you'll have to cope you bastard with.

2) like anything really.
the tough guys: Sell! Sell! Seal! SELL! SELL!
you: *meekly* err... sell? the tough guys are all doing it
by silencut March 2, 2009
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Hopping around within the bases with the intent to distract and taunt a lefty with your lead
Jackie robinson's shinanigans on the base paths create a tough lefty lead
by Minnkon o ryan April 10, 2014
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When a girl goes down on a guy in the rain while he fingers her
by Binary01 July 24, 2019
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