When a girl eats pizza out of a guy’s asshole while giving him a reach around in the middle of a Chuck E Cheese during a Munch's Make Believe Band concert.
Guy: Becky took me to Chuck E Cheese for my birthday and gave me the Rock-afire Explosion!
Friend: Nice bro, happy birthday
by Neo1220 September 25, 2021
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Now first of all, you need to eat a couple handfulls of whole, un-chewed peanuts about 2 hours prior to game time. Now that you've prepared, your gonna wanna squat over a girls face and simultaneously cum down-wards onto her face while shitting peanut-shit, also onto her face.
After a long night at the bar snacking on bar nuts, Jeffery knew tonight his girlfriend was getting the Fudge Nut Brownie Explosion.
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Hello. My Name is Taylor. I am THE ONLY PERSON with E.S.D.

Dont get too close to my ass, or else you will catch on fire.
RIP Jimmy John & Family.
Im sorry i killed you, but you got to close to my ass and it caught you on fire.

E.S.D. is a very bad thing. It blows up toilets, kills your friends, and burns holes through your pants and makes you look like you have ass-less chaps.

Its not fun AT ALL!

Explosive Shit Disorder (ESD): Have you ever had tacos and your stomach starts rumbling? Then you run to the toilet and unleash all hell? ESD is ten times worse, you usually don't make it to the toilet, it's very messy and occasionally puts holes in the walls.
by Taylorrina January 17, 2009
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When you lay your cock on a motorway and let a caravan run it over!
Sup dave done a sick orange hyper penis explosion, shit I scraped that off the tarmac!!! HARDCORE!!
by Makedecadaddy March 15, 2014
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the phenomenon of meeting a new person that you have zero friends in common with, friend-requesting them, and within a few short weeks/months you suddenly have tons of friends in common
ummm... I barely knew you last month, and now you have leeched all my friends... MUTUAL FRIEND EXPLOSION (MFE)
by Nizzlelicious July 9, 2010
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exchanging bodily fluid between a dog or a cat. use the straw to suck up vagina juice or semen from your pet. take the sraw filled with the contents and proceed to take a huge breath and with all your might blow blow blow it on your dogs face to see him get scared from the allmighty "blow"
"woah dude this weekend i did a dog faced straw explosion. and my granma walked in on me!" it sucked man
by petwars biffle November 28, 2007
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IEC's are used by our friends in the funny hats... They are not quite as complex as IED's (Improvised Explosive Device) which is used by our friends in the middle east, because the funny hat people dont have the technological advancements yet. If you were to ever get in your car and an IEC went of, possible side effects include rashes, funny smell, and death.
Muslim 1 - "Holy Sh*t dude! That Durga just blew up an Improvised Explosive Curry bomb. Allah! If they start using those on us we have no chance of our Jihad raids."

Muslim 2 - "Too bad we don't know how to use curry like that."
by The Guptanator February 1, 2008
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