is the slang term, or an alternative phrase, for when anal penetration triggers an unexpected instance of disgorging the contents of the stomach through the mouth.
Onyx experienced anal mishap vomit as a result of trying anal penetrative sex with Christian.
by Ticklechambers August 20, 2023
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Because of the quick question, the popular is, you feel better after vomiting, Aha, no, the birthday cake made you vomit, but how can vomiting make you feel better like you, is a research to Kelly Crosse, after vomiting, butter will make you feel better after you vomit, a great catholic to you.
by Debskelly1985 August 2, 2023
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The result of a homeless man masturbating on the back of a holiday home owners back as they tan by their pool.
by Allen Charles August 16, 2021
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A word that is spelled so badly, there is no possible way to understand what the word was supposed to be. You may not even be able to understand the word from the clues and context it is used in.
Vomit Words are words like:



by Diriector_Doc December 21, 2017
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A man or person that makes people want to vomit. also can be a way to describe something that makes you wanna vomit..
" you face is vomit man"

"your a vomit man"
by Lord Siff October 13, 2008
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