kinda like rock paper scissors... it’s a philly thing.
we gotta rock paper soccer it out to figure out who gets front seat.
by maddog68 March 18, 2019
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When you cum on a woman and she is in someway disgusted by it so you have to take a sock (preferably an old or ragged sock) to clean it off the female's stomach, face, or body areas, thus ruining a sock.

"OMG get this cum off me"
"With what"

"Rock da sox to get it off"
"OMG get this cum off me"
"With what"

"Rock da sox to get it off"
by Youngbased June 9, 2014
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Go Skip Rocks- is code for going out and doing drugs. Any drug works but rocks originally means smoking weed, as in getting stoned; hence the rocks.
"Hey man, wanna go Skip Rocks?"
"Sure man, that sounds lit"
by AerotoZero October 25, 2016
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its a refrence to the hit show breaking bad where they make blue rock candy AKA blue meth
by Shabaduski October 4, 2022
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The scientific definition of being a rockstar without actually being a rockstar,living with four cats who listen to rock and love dublin.
yo man that girls so dubbin rockkkk

yea man look at her cats they listen to some kick ass rock

yea shes such a rockstar, but like shes not really her cats just love dublin.
by Puddddddddinnnncuppppp January 19, 2012
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1. A subgenre of rock music defined through its use of complex time signatures.

2. A die.
1. Toes is a great math rock band.

2. Check out these math rocks I just picked up from Dragons Keep!
by Ganondox October 26, 2022
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A new name for the soft rock, easy-listening sounds of 70's and 80's music that is characterized by it's earnest, treacly male lead singers who apparently have removed their genitalia in order to tap into their feminine sides and, ironically, appeal more to their female paramours.
To qualify as being "Eunuch Rock", the band must have a male lead singer and can sometimes, but not always, feature an acoustic guitar, twinkling piano or saxophone solo.

Definitive examples of Eunuch Rock are: Stephen Bishop (of Tootsie fame), Ambrosia, Air Supply, Player, Christopher Cross or anyone who sings in a falsetto.
by Hjlprojections March 11, 2014
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